Talon is almost 16 months now and really starting to talk up a storm. He still has a very Scooby Doo way of speaking but he has tons of words you can totally understand.
- duck
- quack quack
- no
- yes
- mama
- dada
- sissy
- baba
- more
- apple
- snack
- water
- nice
- up
- down
- choo choo
- hand
- auntie
- amma (what the kids call grandma)
- papa
- bubble
- hot
- oh no
- mine
- shoe
- sock
- shirt
- im stuck
He also knows where his eyes, ears, nose, hands, feet, belly & head are. Talon can run, kick a ball, starting to jump, uses a fork, gives the best kisses and hugs.
I love that little boy.