- walking!!!!! She is a full time walker and there is no stopping her now
- saying "da-da", "ma-ma", "ba-ba", "pa-pa", "ah da" (all done), "na-na" (no), & "da-de" (doggie)
- waving bye bye & hi
- clapping when you say "yeah" to her
- makes a kissing sound with her mouth
- lays on her tummy in the bath and kicks her legs & moves her arms like a swimming motion.....she will be swimming in the summer for sure!!
- eating almost everything we eat and loves everything
- has 4 teeth, 2 top & 2 bottom
- started "dancing" when she hears music.....she stands in the middle of the room and jumps and claps her hands
10 month stats
17 lbs. 12 oz.
Happy 10 Months Sailor!!!