Anyways Sailor LOVES to climb on the furniture and she tries to get on to the kitchen chairs. She also can now climb onto the couch all by herself!!! Non of this i am thrilled about mind you.....
So we thought if she had her own chair it might help the issue. We just went to Toys r Us and put out 5 or 6 different chairs and she climbed on and sat in them all. After her testing them all out she picked a Dora the Explorer hot pink chair. Its not the nicest or the cutest, but she loves it!!!! And for now it is working. Soon enough we will be getting her a nice real big girl chair that will stay in the living room.
FUN!!! Kaylin loves her chair! Sometimes when she's playing on the floor, I'll use it as a pillow and she gets mad and steals it right from under me...haha! Hopefully Sailor will be better at sharing hers with you...and her brother : )