It all started at about 3am 2 nights ago. I heard her making noise and looked at the monitor (thank goodness we have a video monitor) and to my surprise little miss Sailor had her foot over the side of her crib!!!! She isnt tall enough just yet to get her whole leg over but she was using her bumpers to get that extra inch or two!!! I was in shock that she was doing this. I woke Erik up and showed him, he couldnt believe it either. We both thought we had a few more months before this would start happening, but i guess not.
Well taking the bumpers off is making bedtime a hard time for everyone. She moves around so much that she keeps hitting her head on the crib rails and it keeps her awake. Also with no bumpers her pacifiers fall on to the floor now, this is a major problem!!!!
We are looking into a bumper alternative and i think i found 2 options (one is better then the other i think but i cant find it in stock).
{nap time with no bumpers} |
This will be us very soon! We are in WA right now and Kaylin gets out of the pak n play...needless to say bedtime is a total nightmare! We are now super worried about her getting out of the we are right with you with this! Good luck!