Its Thursday June 9th at 7:45am and Erik and I arrive at the hospital for our scheduled induction. We get all checked in and head up stairs to our labor & delivery room. By the time we get up there and get me hooked up to the IV and start the picocine it is about 9am. Things are going very normal. My doctor came in at about 9:30am and checked me, i was at 2cm. So she broke my water......thats when things started to kick in!!! About an hour after my water was broken the contractions started to get really bad. I was in pain but it was manageable. My nurse asked me if i wanted the epidural now since the anesthesiologist was going into surgery soon and i would have to wait. I am very thankful i got it when i did!!! She checked me again and i was at 6cm!! By this time it is just after 11am. The epidural started to work, but i was still in a ton of pain. I wanted to call the anesthesiologist back to give me another dose and he got there just in time. I told my nurse that i felt like i had push and she said the anesthesiologist was on his way. She checked me one last time and i was 10cm with the baby's head come out!!! The anesthesiologist came in and gave another dose and right behind him was my doctor and it was time to push!!! 9 minutes later Talon Anderson Gonzales was born!!!! 7 lbs 12 oz 20 inches and just perfect!!!
It was love at first sight.
{recap.....went from 6cm to 10cm in a matter of minutes, less then 3 hours of labor, 9 minutes of pushing & a perfect baby}
{and then there were 4} |
{very proud daddy} |
Great birth story! Thanks for sharing it!