May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

This year was my first Mother's Day!!!! I am so very thankful for my own mom for all that she has done for me & my sister as we grew up and all that she continues to do for me & Sailor. My mom gave up so much for us while we were growing up and she never complained. You truly are the BEST MOM EVER!!!! I can only hope to evolve into half the mother you are. 
I love you ♥

I knew that I would love Sailor more then I could ever explain to her and celebrating my 1st Mother's Day was very special to me. I am so blessed to have a beautiful daughter that made me into a mommy =) 

I am also very blessed to have Erik as a wonderful daddy and husband. He works very hard and misses out on so many moments just so I can stay home with our baby girl. Thank you babe!!!

It was a great day all together.....I woke up to the happiest baby in the world. I fed her and then we laid in bed together and waited for daddy to wake up. We just had a great day of family and friends....couldn't have asked for a better day!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all you great mommas!!!!

♥ love this little girl ♥

1 comment:

  1. I have a post almost exactly like this. It's such an amazing thing to be a Mother! Our little babies are such blessings! Happy Mother's Day to you! :-)
