September 11, 2010

Baby open mouth kisses.....

......are the BEST!!!!!! Sailor has learned to give kisses and it is my favorite thing in the world!!! You tell her "give kisses" and then she leans in and opens her mouth on your just melts my heart ♥

She has also started giving hugs xoxo I love her so much!!!

kisses (it looks like we are making out hahaha)


  1. this is AWESOME!!!!! does look like you're making out! but it is the sweetest thing i've ever seen : ) kaylin does the same thing and it looks like she wants to eat me, she comes straight toward my head with that wide open mouth...too cute! sailor is such a little smartie...that she does it when you say "kisses"...what a good girl : )

  2. amazing!!!! she is such a cutie patootie!!!
