February 4, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Sailor

Dear Sailor,
Today is your 1st birthday!!! I cant believe it has been a year already. You have grown so much this year. You were so tiny when you were born, and we always called you "tiny but mighty" because being tiny never stopped you from doing everything. You did everything so early!!! I remember the day you first rolled over, you were 2 months old exactly. I was even able to get that first milestone on video.
You have been more then a joy to have in our lives and you only make our world better. I cant even remember life without you. You are the sweetest girl. You snuggle and love to give hugs & kisses. You were a very good baby and have turned into an amazing toddler.....i cant believe we have a toddler!!!
I am amazed by your energy!! You just go and go and go.....i really think you would stay up all night and play if we would let you. You love to play with daddy, he is your silly play buddy. I love watching you two play together. You love your daddy so much and you miss him terribly when he is working, as i know he misses you when he is at work.
This year has been the best year of our lives and i know it can only get better with each year we get to spend with you.
We love you so much that it cant even be put into words. Thank you for making this year so special.
xoxo all the love in the world
Love, mommy & daddy

1 comment:

  1. Aw!! Happy 1st birthday Sailor!!!! Your Mommy & Daddy are so very lucky to have you! And vise versa! :)
