May 24, 2011

Such a big helper

I just had to share that Sailor has been such a big helper these days. After i change her clothes she takes her dirty clothes and puts them in the hamper. She also puts her dirty diapers next to the diaper genie (she doesnt know how to open it) and if there is a wrapper from a snack she ate sitting out she will take it and put it in the trash. She did this yesterday and came back and was clapping so i asked her what she did and she took my hand and brought me to the trash can and opened it to show me the wrapper.
I just love her!!!!

1 comment:

  1. that's great she's being such a good helper...and just in time for her little brother to make his appearance! maybe she'll even give him his bottle for those early morning feedings so you can sleep : ) wishful thinking!
